28 weeks

Post date: Jul 15, 2013 4:48:31 PM

Today we had a big visit to the midwife. We had an ultrasound to double-check her single artery cord (and confirmed that she is a girl again!). I'll also be going to a specialist to take a look at the cord this Wednesday. They said she is growing on track, besides having a bit of a fat belly. Also got my glucose test done to check for gestational diabetes and a fun rhogam shot in the butt, since Gabe and I have incompatible blood types.

Here is a profile pic of her from today's visit:

There have been a bunch of bump shots taken lately too (On the beach at 26 weeks and At Home at 27 weeks):

We also came upon a table full of baby girl clothes at our community yard sale and picked up all this stuff for $14. I can't wait to put those little slippers on her: